
ChickpeaChickpeas are a legume which are high in protein content. While commonly called chick peas, other common names include garbanzo beans, ceci beans, chana and Bengal gram. Cultivated for more than 7,500 hundred years, the earliest known use of chickpeas can be traced to the Middle East. By the Bronze Age, chickpeas were known to be consumed and grown in Italy and Greece. Apicius, an early Roman chef, included many recipes using chick peas in his early cook books. There are many types of chickpeas available around the world. The two main types of chickpeas include the Desi and the Kabuli.
The Desi chickpea is a small, dark seed with a rough coat. Cultivated mostly in India, the Desi chickpea is also commonly grown in Ethiopia, Iran and Mexico. The Kabuli chickpea is a lighter colored seed with a smoother coat. As the more common form of chickpea, you can find the Kabuli chickpea in Europe, Africa, Afghanistan and Chile.

Key Nutrients

Chickpeas provide an excellent source of fiber, folic acid and manganese. Chickpeas are also an excellent source of iron, copper, zinc and magnesium.

Health Benefits

Dietary Fiber – Dietary Fiber stimulates digestion and peristalsis, helping to relieve indigestion and constipation problems.

Protein provides the building blocks needed for cellular growth. It also provides the body with an important energy source.

Sodium is an important mineral needed for cellular function, and positively benefits neural function.


Chickpeas, while grown during the summer months, can be found dried or canned year round in supermarkets and food retail shops.

Nutrition Information

Per ¼ Cup (50 grams):

Calories (cKal): 182
Protein (grams): 9.65
Total Fat (grams): 3.02
Carbohydrates (grams): 30.32
Fiber (grams): 8.7

Buying and Storing

When buying dried chickpeas, make sure they are free from pebbles and stones. When buying canned chickpeas, make sure the cans are not dented or rusty. Since they are dried and canned, chickpeas can store for up to one year.

Best Way to Add to Diet

One of the best ways to add chickpeas to the diet is to make a paste along with olive oil, lemon and paprika, also known as hummus. Another great way to serve chickpeas is to make a salad with chopped tomato, herbs and vegetables.

Chickpea Recipe

Chickpea and Asian Green Stew

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